Surgical Grand Rounds - Global Surgery
Friday, 17 May 2024, 8am to 9am
Lecture Theatre 1, Academic Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, and also online via Microsoft Teams
‘Challenges for surgeons during humanitarian deployments’ and 'Gaza: Children's surgery'
Dr Harald Veen, WHO consultant for trauma care in the East Mediterranean region, and lead instructor for Mass Casualty Management, will discuss ‘Challenges for surgeons during humanitarian deployments’.
Mr Wajid Jawaid, a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon and Urologist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH), will talk about his experience of supporting children's surgery in Gaza.
Specialist registration General Surgery in 1992 (NL), 2002 (UK), 2005 (FRCSEd)
Surgical practice:
1992-2003 in the Netherlands
2003-2006 for NHS Shetland
2006-2012 with the British Royal Navy in Gibraltar
2012-2017: chief surgeon International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva
2017-2018: lead surgeon ICRC for complex attacks preparedness (terror)
2018 -2023: WHO consultant for the Emergency Medical Team project and the WHO Academy
2023-onward: WHO consultant for trauma care in the East Mediterranean Region, and lead instructor for Mass Casualty Management.
From 1992 onward: yearly surgical missions in war zones
Focus during the recent years: quality of surgical care in the humanitarian setting
Wajid Jawaid is a locum paediatric surgeon and urologist at OUH and has been with us since July 2023. He started his Paediatric Surgery training at Alder Hey, moving on to Manchester and then completing a Wellcome Trust funded MPhil in Computational Biology with distinction and a PhD in developmental biology at the University of Cambridge. He was awarded the Beddington Gold Medal in developmental Biology for his PhD thesis in 2020. He subsequently completed his training at Evelina, Addenbrooke's and Great Ormond Street Hospitals before joining OUH. He recently returned from Gaza on a medical mission with US based charity called Fajr Scientific.
Co-hosted by Oxford University Global Surgery Group
Chair: Professor Kokila Lakhoo
All members of the University and NHS clinical staff are welcome.
Please email Louise King if you would like to attend online.