External links to other groups interested in global surgery
This page gives external links to other groups interested/active in global surgery. The Oxford University Global Surgery Group (OUGSG) has no responsibility for the content of these links.
OxPLORE - digital resource
College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA)
Global Anaesthetic Surgery and Obstetric Collaboration (GASOC)
International Association of Student Surgical Societies
King's Centre for Global Health and Health Partnerships - Global Surgery
The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery
NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Surgery, University of Birmingham
Program in Global Surgery and Social Change - Harvard Medical School
Royal College of Surgeons of England - global surgery links
Center for Health Equity in Surgery and Anesthesia (CHESA)
Global Initiative for Children's Surgery (GICS) - Professor Kokila Lakhoo (President)