Surgical Grand Rounds - Global Surgery
Friday, 26 February 2021, 8am to 9am
Virtual event via Microsoft Teams
'Multicentre international collaborative study on CovidPaedCancer'
Noel Peter is a Consultant in Trauma and Upper Limb Surgery and Major Trauma Lead at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He is a specialist upper limb surgeon who has been trained in internationally renowned surgical centres in the UK and Australia with an exclusive interest in hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder surgery. He is the seminar lead for Oxford University Global Surgery Group and one of the core faculty for the Oxford Global Surgery accredited short course. He is an Honorary Research Associate at the Nuffield Department for Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences at University of Oxford, and co-founder and past president of the Global Anaesthesia Surgery and Obstetric Collaborative (GASOC).
Krithi Ravi is an Academic Foundation Doctor working in Southampton.
Fatumata Jalloh is an Academic Physician Associate, working in Trauma and Orthopaedics in Gloucester.
Both Krithi and Fatumata are passionate about local and global health equity.
Organised by Oxford University Global Surgery Group
Chair: Professor Freddie Hamdy
All members of the University and NHS clinical staff are welcome.
Please email Louise King if you would like to attend.