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Growth and production potential of 3-year-old Anogeissus pendula-based silvopastoral system was studied where Chrysopogonfulvus was a grass and Stylosanthes hamata was a legume component. The treatments consisted of three initiations of pruning (4th, 5th, 6th year after plantation), three pruning intensities (25, 50 and 75% of height of the tree from trunk base) and two controls (unpruned trees with pasture and pasture without trees). The results of five-year-study revealed that there were no significant variations in the growth parameters (height, dbh and canopy diameter) due to different treatments. The average MAI for height and dbh of A. pendula ranged from 0.44 to 0.51 m and 0.29 to 0.42 cm, respectively, which was above average growth due to better planting material. The dry leaf fodder and fuel wood increased as the pruning intensity increased, but the differences were non-significant except during the year 2000 in case of leaf fodder production. The dry forage yield of understorey forage significantly enhanced with increased pruning intensity. Pooled data of three years showed increase in forage yield by 7, 24 and 40% due to pruning up to 25, 50 and 75% tree height over unpruned trees. However, on an average pure pasture produced 42% higher yield over 75% pruning of trees.


Journal article


Annals of Arid Zone

Publication Date





65 - 72