Selected publications authored by members of the OUGSG. Please note these represent work from a number of different collaborations and groups. Please see the individual papers for more information on affiliations etc..
Management and outcome of intracranial fungal infections in children and adults in Africa: a scoping review
Takoutsing BD. et al, (2024), BMC Infectious Diseases, 24
Public perception of the physician associate profession in the UK: a systematic review.
Swainston R. et al, (2024), BMC Health Serv Res, 24
A narrative review of the current available literature on the intersection between the climate crisis and paediatric surgical care.
Patel K. et al, (2024), Pediatr Surg Int, 41
Environmental and social impact assessment in healthcare business planning: a national survey of NHS trusts in England
Takahashi H. and Kudsk-Iversen S., (2024)
Trends and health equity in environmental sustainability publications in major anaesthesia journals.
Fabus MS. and Kudsk-Iversen S., (2024), Anaesthesia
The Use of Virtual Patients to Provide Feedback on Clinical Reasoning: A Systematic Review.
Jay R. et al, (2024), Acad Med
The NHS must focus on resource optimisation, not lobbying for more money.
Jani A. and Gray M., (2024), BMJ, 387
The patient's outcome, not the surgeon's opinion, defines surgical success.
Allin B. et al, (2024), Arch Dis Child
Determinants of antibiotic prescribing in primary care in Vietnam: a qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework.
Vu Minh D. et al, (2024), Antimicrob Resist Infect Control, 13
Barriers to access to holistic care for women victims of sexual violence in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo: A brief report.
Nyakio O. et al, (2024), Int J Gynaecol Obstet
Greenspace & Us: Exploring Co-design Approaches to Increase Engagement with Nature by Girls and Young Women
Cole S. et al, (2024), Gateways, 17
A review of twenty-first century developments in paediatric surgery in Africa.
Bandyopadhyay S. et al, (2024), Pediatr Surg Int, 40
Non-physician anaesthesia providers’ perspectives on task sharing practices in Zambia and Somaliland: a qualitative study
Karydi KI. et al, (2024), BMJ Open, 14, e078939 - e078939
On the ethics of removing Entonox® from labour ward: beyond carbon dioxide equivalents and seeking justice for patients and the planet
Hudson S. et al, (2024), Anaesthesia
The etiology of pediatric hydrocephalus across Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Ferris E. et al, (2024), J Neurosurg Pediatr, 33, 323 - 333